Thursday, 29 March 2012

Springer Ebooks

How likely is Extraterrestrial life?
J.Woods Halley

Searching For Extraterrestrial Life: SETI Past, Present and Future

Bioastronomy: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life - The Exploration Broadens
Jean Heidmann

Manchester University Library

Went to Manchester University Library for a research session, to look for relevant books they may have, or any DVD's, videos, journal's etc.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


  • Have an interview with the author of The Two Faced Moon (Simon Lewis)
  • The presentation can be made on prezzie - got a toy alien
  • Make a complete, detailed plan of the essay
  • Write the introduction
  • Write the seperate paragraphs
  • Write the conclusion
  • Write up results from Questionnaires
  • Finish researching on the websites
  • Finish researching and note taking from all the books
  • Watch lots of films and tv programmes and you tube adverts
  • Research through Google Scolar

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Case Studies

24th June 1947
Pendleton Airfield, Oregon State, USA
Kenneth Arnold

Experienced pilot, used a small aeroplane to to get from place to place
24th June, flyng from Chehalis Air servicen in Washington State, stopping at Yakima before finishing his journey to Pendleton in Oregon. During the first partb of his journey, he passed Mount Rainier, near where a plane had previously crashed - $5000 reward for spotting the plane.

Spotted a group of nine flying objects

Thursday, 29 December 2011

What to Include in the Essay

  • UFO's -What are they, what do people think they are, case studies of examples
  • Alien Abductions - Case Study examples
  • Government - Their views on Extraterrestrial Activity, Cover-ups?
  • Stereotypical Alien - people's views
  • How many believe in Alien activity
  • What is the possibility of Alien Life
  • Crop Circles -What are they, what are they for (Communication?)
  • Area 51
  • The Bermuda Triangle

Saturday, 10 December 2011


Although the websites below could be classed as useful, there are some flaws.

This is a good example of a case study to include in my project as it involves Alien activity and explores it quite deeply.
However, it is possible that this story is not true, and that this couple came up with a hoax.
This is a good example of a case study to include in my project as it involves Alien activity, related to something quite common.
However, it is possible this story is not true, and it is done for fame from the media coverage.
This is a good example of a case study to include in my project as there is proof the photos have not been edited in any way.
However, it could be argued that this story is made up as it is seems quite coincidental, and something like this is hard to believe when you don't know the people yourself.

These Crop Circles could be a useful thing to contain in my project as many people link them with Alien activity.
However, these Crop Circles are more likely to have been made by people, and therefore don't relate to Alien happenings.

This could be useful as it gives another way for why there is reason to believe in extra terrestrial life. It could be used as a sub topic.
However, the article is quite old and new data could have been found since then.

IMDB Films

Documentary - UFO's are Real (1979)
Director: Ed Hunt

Documentary - Oz Encounters: UFO's in Australia (1997)
Writer: Debra Byrne

Documentary - Peter Jennings Reporting: UFO's - Seeing Is Believing
Director: Mark Obenhaus

Documentary - UFO's: The Secret Evidence
Director: Alex Hearle

Documentary - UFO's and Close Encounters (2010)
Director: Warren Croyle

Documentary - Where are all the UFO's? (1996)
Director: Scott Paddor

Documentary - UFO's: It has begun (1976)
Director: Ray Rivas

Drama - UFO's and Aliens: The Search for Truth
Director: John Borst

TV Series - UFO's Over Earth (2008)
Stars James Carrion, Tim McHugh and Rich Lang

TV Series - UFO's: The Best Evidence Ever Caught On Tape (1997)
Writers: Tom Seligson, Robert Kiviat

Film - Men in Black 1/2/3
Barry Sonnenfeld