Saturday, 10 December 2011

Possible Question Titles

I came up with a list of possible titles for the Essay itself;
  • UFO Sightings - Fame, Fortune or Fact?
  • UFO Sightings - Fame and Fortune or Fact?
  • Are UFO's proof of Alien existence?
  • Are UFO's proof of Extra Terrestrial existence?
  • Are UFO sightings proof of Alien existence?
  • Are UFO sightings proof of Extra Terrestrial existence?
  • Do UFO sightings prove Alien Exist?
  • Do UFO sightings prove Extra Terrestrial existence?
  • Is the human race reliable enough to trust on the topic of UFO sightings?
  • Is the human race reliable enough to trust in regards to UFO sightings?
  • Is the human race reliable enough to trust when it comes down to a UFO sighting?
  • When there is a UFO sighting, is the human race reliable enough to trust?
  • Did Neil Armstrong really set foot on the moon?
  • Are UFO sightings reliable enough to prove Alien existence?
  • Are UFO sightings reliable enough to prove the existence of Extra Terrestrial life?
  • Why do we fear UFO sightings - do they really exist?
  • What are UFO's - we want the truth!
  • What does area 51 really have to hide?
  • What does the government really have top hide?
  • Is anybody really out there?
  • Space is a vast area - are we really on our own?
  • Do UFO sightings prove we're not alone?
  • How can UFO sightings be proved if people lie?
  • UFO sightings - are we all liars, or just mistaken?

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